The best data is the right data, even if it's small.

The key to successful decision making is responsible computation with the right data. The methodologies I use are backed by mathematical, statistical, and economic theory. Unlike many of the black box methods in AI and machine learning, they are transparent and interpretable. My expertise is in Bayesian econometrics with a focus on discrete choice modeling including conjoint and maxdiff analysis. In addition, I use adaptive experimental designs, A/B testing, recommendation models, and matching algorithms to generate the insight and confidence needed to make good business decisions. Here are some examples:

A financial planning firm wants to tailor its fee structures and messaging to attract the right clients. Choice modeling reveals prospective client's preferences as well as their willingness to pay for financial planning services at different price points.
A group of shareholder activists are deciding what course of action to take next. Choice modeling is used to assess individual preferences for each course of action thereby giving leaders the confidence to be able to make tactical decisions.
A sales company is re-evaluating their employee benefits package. Choice modeling helps reveal what benefits the employees actually care about and how much they would be willing to trade-off one benefit for another in monetary terms.

I am happy to teach workshops on choice modeling, conjoint analysis, Bayesian statistics, causal inference, or other topics related to data science and business. Contact me if you'd like me to teach a workshop.

compute responsibly

© 2020 Derek Miller.